How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Garden: 6 Cool Effective Tips

If you’re an avid gardener, you know that chipmunks can be a major headache when it comes to protecting your plants. These cute and curious critters can wreak havoc on your garden by digging up bulbs, eating flowers and vegetables, and even damaging the roots of your plants. Luckily, there are several effective strategies you can use to keep chipmunks out of your garden without resorting to harmful or inhumane methods. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular and effective techniques for how to keep chipmunks out of garden so that you can enjoy a healthy and bountiful garden all season long.

[We also cover an article about the best garden tool set, check this to become a pro gardener]

how to keep chipmunks out of garden

Infographic of How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Garden

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Detailed Description of How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Garden


Installing a physical barrier, such as chicken wire or hardware cloth around your garden can be an effective way to keep chipmunks out. Make sure to bury the fence several inches deep to prevent them from digging under it.

Pros & Cons

Pros: A fence is an effective physical barrier that can keep chipmunks out of your garden and can also protect your plants from other animals and pests.

Fences can last many years and require little maintenance, making them a long-term solution for protecting your garden.

Cons: It can be expensive and time-consuming to install and may not be aesthetically pleasing.

Natural Repellents

Using natural repellents like garlic, hot pepper, or predator urine can deter chipmunks from coming near your garden. These can be applied to the perimeter of your garden or around individual plants.

Pros & Cons

Pros: Natural repellents are safe for the environment and other animals and can also repel other garden pests besides chipmunks.

Repellents are easy to apply and generally less expensive than some other strategies, making them a cost-effective option.

Cons: They may need to be reapplied frequently and may not be effective in all situations.

Planting Strategies

Certain plants such as daffodils, hyacinths, and alliums, have a strong scent that chipmunks don’t like, so planting these around the perimeter of your garden can help keep them away. Additionally, planting herbs like mint, lavender, or rosemary can repel chipmunks while also providing a tasty addition to your garden.

Pros & Cons

Pros: Certain plants can repel chipmunks while also providing beauty and additional benefits to your garden, and planting a diverse range of plants can promote a healthy garden ecosystem.

Planting various herbs, vegetables, and flowers can also enhance the biodiversity of your garden and attract pollinators.

Cons: You may need to plant a large quantity of these plants to be effective, and they may not work for all situations.


Live traps can be used to catch chipmunks and relocate them to a new area. Make sure to check local regulations before using traps, and be sure to release the chipmunks at least 5 miles away from your garden.

Pros & Cons

Pros: Live traps are a humane way to catch and relocate chipmunks and can also be used to catch other small animals causing problems in your garden.

Traps are generally effective and can be used in areas where fences or other barriers are not practical.

Cons: Trapping can be time-consuming and requires ongoing monitoring, and releasing chipmunks in a new area can cause problems if they don’t have a suitable habitat.

Companion Planting

Pairing certain plants together can also help keep chipmunks out of your garden. For example, planting marigolds with your vegetables can help repel chipmunks while also attracting beneficial insects.

Pros & Cons

Pros: Companion planting can help keep chipmunks away while also promoting a healthy garden ecosystem, and it can also attract beneficial insects and pollinators to your garden.

Companion planting can also help deter other pests and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and other chemicals.

Cons: It may require some planning and research to find the right plant combinations for your garden, and it may not work for all situations.

Clean Up

Removing potential food sources, such as fallen fruit or birdseed, can discourage chipmunks from entering your garden.

Pros: Keeping your garden clean and free of potential food sources can discourage chipmunks from coming in and can also promote a healthier garden overall.

Regular garden maintenance can also help prevent other pests and diseases and reduce the need for chemical treatments.

Cons: This may not be enough on its own and may require additional strategies to be effective, and it can be time-consuming to maintain an immaculate garden.

[See Also: How to Keep Squirrels Out of Garden]

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Question: Is it legal to trap and relocate chipmunks?

Answer: Laws regarding the trapping and relocation of chipmunks vary depending on your location, so it’s important to check with your local wildlife agency before attempting to trap or relocate chipmunks. In some cases, trapping and relocating wildlife without a permit may be illegal.

Question: How can I prevent chipmunks from digging up my bulbs?

Answer: One way to prevent chipmunks from digging up your bulbs is to plant them in wire mesh cages or underground bulb baskets, preventing chipmunks from accessing them. You can also plant bulbs deeper than normal or plant them in raised beds or containers. Additionally, using natural repellents or companion planting can also help deter chipmunks from digging up your bulbs.


In conclusion, there are several effective strategies for keeping chipmunks out of your garden, including fencing, natural repellents, planting strategies, traps, companion planting, and regular garden maintenance. By implementing one or more of these strategies, you can protect your garden from the damage and disruption caused by chipmunks and other garden pests.

It’s important to choose a strategy that fits your particular situation and needs and to follow safe and humane practices when dealing with chipmunks or other wildlife in your garden. With a little planning and effort, you can enjoy a beautiful and productive garden that is free from the nuisances of chipmunks and other pests.

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